Episode 72: Gordon Hanks and JazzSLC


Speaking of the Arts is pleased to feature Gordon Hanks and JazzSLC. Gordon co-founded the concert series in Salt Lake City over 27 years ago and I wanted to have him on the show to talk about his own unique background and what he has learned from producing the series for so long. Gordon is extremely passionate about the music and that clearly comes through in our interview. A little more on his operation: "JazzSLC is a non-profit, concert series funded and produced by the GAM Foundation. What began as a “let’s try producing one concert and see what happens,” has developed into a unique, nationally recognized not-for-profit jazz concert series. In the 27 years since the series’ inception, JazzSLC has featured world-class jazz musicians and proven the popularity of jazz in Salt Lake City." I loved speaking with Gordon and I hope you enjoy our conversation.


Episode 73: Financial advice for artists


Episode 71: Open Studio